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The list of required documents for customs clearance of goods for import is as follows:
- Payment order for payment of customs duties.
- Receipt of payment for customs terminal services.
- Payment order confirming payment for the services of the customs terminal.
- Contract, specification, additional agreement.
- Original invoice.
- Certificate of origin (CT-1, if produced in the CIS countries, form A, etc.).
- Accreditation card.
- Certificate of the declaration of currency values.
- Carnet TIR.
- CMR (AWB, bill of lading).
- Export declaration of the country of departure.
- Permitting documents (quality certificate, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, registration at the Ministry of Health, State Standard, etc.) – if necessary.
- Documents that confirm the cost and product code (price lists, catalogues, technical description, previous opinions on the cost and product code, etc.).
- Payment order for quarantine inspection certified by the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.
The list of required documents for customs clearance of goods for export is as follows:
- Accreditation card.
- International consignment note (СMR).
- Invoice indicating the terms of delivery under the Incoterms requirements.
- Certificate of transport costs should be provided when delivering under EXW, FCA terms.
- Carnet TIR signed and stamped by the carrier.
- Certificate of origin.
- Accounting documents for the cargo: consignment note, tax invoice, internal contracts, calculation.
- Certificate of the absence of currency values abroad.
- Payment order for payment of customs duties (duties, excise duty).
- Receipt of payment for customs terminal services.
- Passport of the person clearing the cargo.
- Documents of the road carrier: driver’s passport (Ukrainian and foreign), certificate for the right to transport goods under customs security, license, registration certificate.
- Documents confirming the purpose of the cargo.
- Expert opinion of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on determining the code and cost of the cargo.
- Permitting documents: veterinary certificate, quarantine and environmental permit, etc.
- Other documents accompanying the cargo: packing list, quality certificate, etc.
- Forms of the inspection certificate and information sheet.
- Disc containing an electronic copy of customs declaration.
- Brokerage agreement.
- Other documents (commission agreement, internal agreements).
Copies are certified with an inscription “According to the original”, date, position, surname, initials of the certifier, and the enterprise’s seal, the imprint of which is included in the accreditation card of the subject of foreign economic activities.
The standards of the International Society of Air Carriers (IATA) regulate the transport of animals in the hold.
Containers for transportation should meet the following parameters:
- The size should allow the animal to stand at full height, freely turn around its axis and lie with outstretched paws.
- Should be intact, without cracks or damage.
- Can be easily transported and moved.
- Provide ventilation from at least three sides.
A maximum of two animals of the same species up to 14 kg each can be transported in one container.
Standard container sizes according to IATA standards are the following:
- IATA1 (48х32х31сm);
- IATA2 (55х36х35сm);
- IATA3 (61х40х38сm);
- IATA4 (71х51х50сm);
- IATA5 (79х58х60сm);
- IATA6 (92х64х64сm);
- IATA7 (104х75х73сm).
The general list of documents required for the export or import of dogs, cats, ferrets, birds, exotic animals abroad is as follows:
1. Electronic identification.
A microchip implanted under the skin of an animal must comply with the standards SO11784, SO11785.
Identification with a brand applied until 2011, after that the only acceptable method of identification is microchipping.
2. Pet passport of international standard (supplemented with a photo for animals older than one year).
3. Rabies vaccination.
The veterinarian makes a note in the pet passport (name of the vaccine, signature, stamp, date) after checking the identification of the animal. The validity of vaccination depends on the vaccine used and cannot exceed one year. An animal older than three months should receive vaccination no later than one month before the departure. A person who wishes to bring an animal under the age of one month must first inquire in the country of entry whether it permits entry of animals without vaccination.
3.1 Complex vaccination of dogs, ferrets and cats against infectious diseases.
4. 1 VET, 1 VET (CIS) forms, veterinary certificate. The form is issued by the State Service of Veterinary Medicine no earlier than three months before the animal leaves the country, the certificate is issued by the Service of State Veterinary and Sanitary Control and Supervision on the State border and Transport in ten days.
5. Certificate of a blood test for titration of antibodies to the rabies virus. A certificate is required between 4 and 12 months after the rabies vaccination. The study of the blood taken for analysis should be conducted by an accredited laboratory, and the content of neutralizing antibodies must be at least 0.5 IU / ml.
6. Deworming and insectoacaricidal treatment of the animal, as evidenced by the marks of the veterinary doctor in the pet passport. These procedures should be completed additionally between 48 and 24 hours before departure.
7. Certificate stating that the animal does not represent breeding value.
8. Licensed animal transport container that locks securely.
9. Import certificate.
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The document is a customs financial guarantee and applies to:
– goods crossing the territory of the European Union in transit;
– to guarantee the delivery of goods from the EU border to a customs warehouse or internal customs office or vice versa.
The transit declaration (T-1) is issued at the EU border for goods arriving by land.
For air/sea cargo from non-EU countries, the transit declaration (T-1) is issued by an authorized agent directly at the airport/port of arrival.
This is a common international document, which confirms the export of goods. This declaration accompanies the cargo until the end of its route. When goods are exported from the EU the customs put a stamp on the declaration. The original stamped export declaration is forwarded to the sender, which allows the sender to sell the goods without paying VAT.
At the same time, this allows the buyer of the goods to avoid paying VAT when leaving the EU.
This is a set of documents for the transportation of material values by air, which consists of three original copies and nine copies (if it is a typical air waybill) or three original copies and from 6 to 11 copies (if it is a master air waybill).
Airway bill contains all the data necessary for each of the participants in the transportation of cargo by air. For example, it specifies the name of the sender and recipient of the goods, the carrier, their addresses, the tariff for the delivery of goods. It also provides checkboxes for the final recipient to mark the accuracy of the execution of the instructions indicated in the document, fields for entering information on the acceptance of the goods for shipment.
The air waybill records the characteristics of the goods – its weight, dimensions, marking, quantity, description, instructions on the method of loading and unloading, the declared value of the shipment, information on the payment of fees and the payer.
This is a shipping document used for sea transportation. Bill of lading is a document issued by the carrier to the consignor to certify the acceptance of cargo for carriage by the sea with the obligation to deliver the cargo to the port of destination and issue it to the legal holder of the bill of lading.
As a rule, three or more copies of the bill of lading are issued with the same content and date: for the consignor or his forwarder, for the consignee and the cargo owner.
This is an international consignment note, which is used for the implementation of international trade and, accordingly, is the main and mandatory document for the implementation of international transportation.
A road consignment note is a transport document confirming the existence of an agreement between the carrier and the sender for the road carriage of goods.
For international road transportation, this document must contain the following information:
- date of shipment;
- name of the cargo to be transported;
- name and address of the carrier;
- name of the recipient;
- estimated delivery time;
- the cost of transportation;
The CMR consignment is issued in three copies: the first copy is handed over to the sender, the second is attached to the goods, the third remains with the carrier.
- Charter of the company, amendments to the charter, minutes of the general meeting, decisions (copies certified by a notary), extracts from the minutes of the general meeting (copies certified by the enterprise).
- Certificate of state registration of an enterprise / foreign representative office (copy certified by a notary).
- Certificate from the Main Department of Statistics (copy certified by a notary).
- Certificate of registration of the payer of value-added tax/certificates from the tax authorities that the enterprise is not a payer of VAT/certificate of payment of the single tax (copy certified by a notary).
- Certificate of the declaration of currency values.
- Certificate of the absence of currency values and property abroad (original, for the current quarter).
- Certificate from the bank on the availability of settlement and foreign currency accounts (original).
- Order/extract from the decision of the general meeting of participants on the appointment of the chief accountant (a copy certified by the enterprise) or a letter that the staffing table does not provide for the position of the chief accountant (original).
- Order on the appointment of persons authorized to work with customs (copy certified by the enterprise).
- Copies of passports of the company’s employees (1st, 2nd pages, registration), certified by the company’s seal (directors, chief accountant, persons authorized to work with customs).
- Letter with samples of the company’s seals and signatures of persons that will be used at the customs authorities (original).
- Documents confirming the ownership or lease of the premises of the legal and actual address of the enterprise (a copy certified by the enterprise).