Customs clearance
Helion Ukraine provides customs brokerage services.
This greatly simplifies the process of transportation of your cargo.
We will undertake:
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The list of required documents for customs clearance of goods for import is as follows:
- Payment order for payment of customs duties.
- Receipt of payment for customs terminal services.
- Payment order confirming payment for the services of the customs terminal.
- Contract, specification, additional agreement.
- Original invoice.
- Certificate of origin (CT-1, if produced in the CIS countries, form A, etc.).
- Accreditation card.
- Certificate of the declaration of currency values.
- Carnet TIR.
- CMR (AWB, bill of lading).
- Export declaration of the country of departure.
- Permitting documents (quality certificate, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, registration at the Ministry of Health, State Standard, etc.) – if necessary.
- Documents that confirm the cost and product code (price lists, catalogues, technical description, previous opinions on the cost and product code, etc.).
- Payment order for quarantine inspection certified by the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.
The list of required documents for customs clearance of goods for export is as follows:
- Accreditation card.
- International consignment note (СMR).
- Invoice indicating the terms of delivery under the Incoterms requirements.
- Certificate of transport costs should be provided when delivering under EXW, FCA terms.
- Carnet TIR signed and stamped by the carrier.
- Certificate of origin.
- Accounting documents for the cargo: consignment note, tax invoice, internal contracts, calculation.
- Certificate of the absence of currency values abroad.
- Payment order for payment of customs duties (duties, excise duty).
- Receipt of payment for customs terminal services.
- Passport of the person clearing the cargo.
- Documents of the road carrier: driver’s passport (Ukrainian and foreign), certificate for the right to transport goods under customs security, license, registration certificate.
- Documents confirming the purpose of the cargo.
- Expert opinion of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on determining the code and cost of the cargo.
- Permitting documents: veterinary certificate, quarantine and environmental permit, etc.
- Other documents accompanying the cargo: packing list, quality certificate, etc.
- Forms of the inspection certificate and information sheet.
- Disc containing an electronic copy of customs declaration.
- Brokerage agreement.
- Other documents (commission agreement, internal agreements).
Copies are certified with an inscription “According to the original”, date, position, surname, initials of the certifier, and the enterprise’s seal, the imprint of which is included in the accreditation card of the subject of foreign economic activities.